In determining sound levels pursuant to this article, the standards, instrumentation, personnel, measurement procedures, and reporting procedures shall be as specified herein; and all terminology not defined herein or in § 92.22 shall be in conformance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
(A) Sound level measurement shall be made with a sound level meter using the A-weighting scale, set on slow response.
(B) Sound level meters shall be serviced, calibrated and operated as recommended by the manufacturer and in accordance with regulations prescribed by the police department. Persons using the sound level meter shall be trained in sound level measurement and the operation of sound level measuring equipment.
(C) Except as otherwise specified, sound level measurements shall be made from within the boundary line of any improved and occupied property; where this is impracticable, the measurement shall be taken at the exterior wall of the principal structure on such property. In the case of an elevated or directional sound, compliance with the prescribed limits shall be required at any elevation on the property.
(D) Except as specified in division (G) of this section, the sound measurement shall be averaged over a period of at least one minute for purposes of determining the sound level. Sound levels may not exceed the prescribed level by more than three decibels at any time during the measurement period.
(E) During measurement, the microphone shall not be positioned so as to create any unnatural enhancement of the measured sound. A windscreen shall be used when appropriate.
(F) Traffic noise and noise from other sources not connected with the sound being measured shall not be considered in taking measurements.
(G) In the case of noise that is impulsive or is not continuous, the measurement shall be taken over a period of time of at least one minute. Any such sound or noise that exceeds the prescribed level more than two times in a minute shall be deemed to exceed the prescribed sound levels.
(H) In zoning districts other than residential and only in the case of outdoor entertainment, including live or recorded speech, music, or other sound, sound level measurements shall be measured at a point 100 feet away from the source of the sound.
(Ord. 16-09, passed 5-17-16)