§ 31.62 MEMBERS.
   There is created a Commission on Human Rights. It shall consist of nine members who shall be appointed on a bipartisan basis and shall be broadly representative of employers, proprietors, trade unions, religious groups, human rights groups and the general public. The Mayor shall appoint the members. Of the first nine members appointed, three shall be appointed for one year, three shall be appointed for two years and three for three years; after the first appointments, all appointments shall be for a term of three years. In the event of incapacity, death or resignation of any member, a successor shall be appointed for the unexpired term of the withdrawing member. Members shall be eligible for reappointment for additional terms. Before making new appointments, the Mayor shall request the recommendations of the Commission. No elected or appointed city official shall be a member of the Commission. The members shall serve without compensation.
(Prior Code, § 2.24.030) (Ord. passed 3-9-1976)