(A)   After notice and public hearing, the Planning Commission shall vote to:
      (1)   Recommend to the City Council that the application be approved as submitted, or as amended, or be approved subject to modification; or
      (2)   Recommend to the City Council that the application be denied.
   (B)   An application recommended for approval, or approval subject to modification, shall be transmitted to the city with the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission within 15 days from the date of Planning Commission action.
   (C)   An application recommended for denial shall not be considered further and the application fee required in this subchapter for application for amendment shall be refunded to the applicant unless the applicant, within 15 days from the date of the Planning Commission action, files a written request with the City Council for a hearing. A fee shall accompany the request for a hearing before the city if the refund herein above has been granted to the applicant in appeal. Upon notice of such request, and receipt of fee, the Planning Commission shall forthwith transmit the application and its report and recommendation to the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 12-303) (Ord. 1020, passed 1-15-1970)