The fire limits of the city are hereby established as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of the alley between Jefferson and Monroe with the center line of Third Street; thence due south on the center line of the alley in blocks 22 and 27 to its intersection with the north line of the Rock Island right-of-way; thence in a southwesterly direction along and on the north line of the Rock Island right-of-way to its intersection with the center line of Broadway; thence due north on the center line of Broadway to the intersection with the center line of Fourth Street; thence due west on the center line of Fourth Street to its intersection with the center line of the alley between Broadway and Hill Street; thence due north on the center line of the alley between Broadway and Hill Street to the north line of lot 13 in block 15; thence east along the north line of lots 20 and 13 in block 18 and the north line of lot 20 in block 17 to the center line of the alley between Washington and Main Streets; thence due north to the center line of Second Street; thence due east to the center line of the alley between Main and Jefferson; thence due south along the center line of the alley to the south line of lot 12 in block 16; thence along the south line of the lot 12 and across Jefferson Street and further east along south line of lot 21 in block 15 to the center of the alley between Jefferson and Monroe; thence due south to the point of beginning.
(Prior Code, § 5-105)
   Fire Prevention Code, see §§ 32.025 through 32.030