(A)   No person shall discharge any species of firearm, in the city except when doing so in the line of duty, when lawfully doing so in defense of oneself, of another person, or of property, or when otherwise authorized by law or ordinance.
   (B)   It is unlawful to discharge a rifle, firearm, or BB gun in the city except that any person, firm, or corporation operating a business such as an amusement park, sporting goods store, or any other legal business wherein firearms or BB guns are sold, may secure a permit for the discharge of firearms or BB guns in their place of business, upon the following terms and conditions:
      (1)   The person, firm, or corporation desiring to secure a permit for the discharge of firearms or BB guns within their place of business, shall file a written application with the Chief of Police, stating the address of their place of business, the type of firearms or BB guns to be discharged in the business, and requesting that the place of business be inspected by the Chief of Police as to the safety of the building and operation;
      (2)   The Chief of Police, after receiving the written request, within ten days after receiving the request, shall inspect the building or premises of the applicant to determine the safety of the building and operation of the business. If upon inspection of the premises, building, or operation of the business, and in his or her sole discretion that it is not detrimental or a health hazard to the citizens of the city, he or she may allow the applicant to have a permit for discharging of firearms and/or BB guns in the place of business. If the Chief of Police deems that it is unsafe for the discharging of firearms and/or BB guns for any reason, then he or she shall deny the application;
      (3)   A copy of the application, and the granting of the permit or the dental of the permit, shall and be filed with the City Clerk; and
      (4)   If the permit is granted, the Chief of Police may at any time thereafter deem that the operation is not a safe operation and hazardous to the citizens of the city, at which time he or she shall have the right to immediately terminate and cancel the permit.
(Prior Code, § 10-307) (Ord. 1072, passed 1-12-1982) Penalty, see § 130.99
   Throwing or shooting at persons or property, see § 131.05