(A)   Fireworks stands shall be at least 50 feet apart and shall not exceed a length of 36 feet nor a width of eight feet. Stands shall be constructed of wood or metal or other material approved by the Chief of the Fire Department.
   (B)   Construction of stands from materials such as cardboard, paper, canvas, or other flammable materials is prohibited. Stands must be open to the front and have an exit door either to the rear or on the end. Each stand shall have at least one, two and one-half gallon or greater capacity water pump tank or other fire-fighting apparatus which is UL or EM approved. The firefighting apparatus shall be maintained in operating condition at all times, and the type and operating capability shall be determined solely by the Fire Chief.
   (C)   Access to the premises of the fireworks stand from a public street shall be from an existing opening, or if an existing opening is not available, a temporary curb mount may be constructed using a “cold lay” asphalt material at the approved points of access. No other material or device may be used for this purpose and all such material must be removed, with street surface, curb, and gutter returned to their original condition within 48 hours of the fireworks stand ceasing operation. Further, the applicant shall include by reference coverage issued under the requirements of § 113.15(B) of these regulations. The purpose of this requirement is to indemnify and hold harmless the city from liability arising from any property damage or personal injury or death resulting from the construction of the temporary curb mounts. In locations where no street curb exists, ingress and egress areas shall be clearly identified and approved by the Code Enforcement Officer. The applicant shall be responsible for insuring that approved access points are used as the sole points of ingress and egress during the period that the fireworks stand is open for business.
   (D)   Access from a state highway shall be from an approved opening. Any modification pertaining to access shall require Oklahoma Department of Transportation approval. No temporary access as described above shall be authorized from an existing state highway.
(Prior Code, § 9-812) Penalty, see § 110.99