(A) No permit shall be issued for any stand that is located less than 150 feet from any structure or property under a different ownership excluding streets, alleyways, easements, or rights-of-way. Fireworks stands may only be located in agricultural, commercial, or industrial zoning districts, unless the stand’s location has had an approved application by the same applicant for each of the five years preceding the adoption of these regulations, and must meet appropriate setback requirements from any public right-of-way, except that stands are prohibited on areas developed or used as parking lots.
(Prior Code, § 9-810)
(B) (1) In determining whether or not a proposed site or location for a fireworks stand should be
approved, the Fire Chief shall cause each application to be fully reviewed by the following city staff:
(a) Code Enforcement Officer, to determine if the proposed location is properly zoned, meets appropriate setback requirements from adjacent public rights-of-way, has proper ingress and ingress and provides appropriate area for parking and maneuvering;
(b) Code Enforcement Officer, to determine accessibility from the public street, any conflicts with adjacent intersections, or turning movements which would be hazardous to oncoming traffic; and
(c) City Attorney, to determine compliance with § 113.15, pertaining to bonding and insurance requirements.
(2) The Chief of the Fire Department shall consider the density of the population in the area, the condition of the premises, the existence of any surrounding structures, the availability of firefighting facilities and any other safety factors which he or she deems important.
(Prior Code, § 9-811)