(A)   The Board shall make and adopt such bylaws, rules, and regulations for its own guidance and for the government of the library and reading rooms, or either of them, as may be expedient, not inconsistent with this chapter.
   (B)   The library or reading room established under this chapter shall always be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the Board may adopt, in order to render the use of such library and reading room, or either of them, of the greatest benefit to the greatest number, and the Board may exclude from the use of the library or reading room, or either of them, any and all persons who shall willfully violate such rules.
   (C)   Any person who shall wilfully violate any rules or regulations regularly adopted by the Board for the government, care, and use of the library or reading room shall be deemed guilty of an offense and be punished accordingly.
(Prior Code, § 11-210) Penalty, see § 10.99