(A)   Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, an impounded animal shall be held for 72 hours during which time it may be redeemed pursuant to this chapter. No animal may be destroyed or sold until after this period.
   (B)   Sales herein provided for shall be for cash and shall be conducted by, or under the direction of the Chief of Police. In no case shall the price of an animal be less than the fees, set out in this chapter, which have accrued against the animal. If an impounded animal cannot be sold, the animal shall be destroyed, in a humane manner, or otherwise disposed of in a legal manner.
   (C)   The Animal Control Officer shall pay to the city any money received from the sale of impounded animals.
(Prior Code, § 4-136) (Ord. 1078, passed 7-26-1983)
Statutory reference:
   Authorized means of destroying animals in animal shelters, 4 O.S. §§ 501 through 508