(A)   All full-time city officers and employees of the city shall reside within the corporate city limits of the city except as noted below:
      (1)   Any full-time officer or employee that is a permanent employee on May 23, 1989, who resides outside the city shall not be required to move within the corporate city limits of the city; and
      (2)   Temporary officers or employees of the city may not reside in the city on the date of their hiring, but must relocate within the corporate city limits of the city within six months of their hiring as a temporary employee.
   (B)   The requirement of residency of any city employee may be waived by action of the City Manager when it appears it will be for the best interest of the city, and that the waiver of residency requirement will be on a case by case basis only, and after written authority in favor of waiving the requirement of residency by the City Manager.
(Prior Code, § 2-225) (Ord. 1096, passed 5-23-1989; Ord. 05-01, passed 7-26-2004)