All powers of the city, including the determination of matters of policy, shall be vested in the Council. Without limitation of the foregoing, the Council may:
   (A)   Appoint and remove the City Manager as provided by law;
   (B)   Enact a municipal legislation subject to limitations as may now or hereafter be imposed by the state constitution and law;
   (C)   Raise revenue, make appropriations, regulate salaries and wages, and all other fiscal affairs of the city, subject to such limitations as may now or hereafter be imposed by the state constitution and law;
   (D)   Inquire into the conduct of any office, department, or agency of the city, and investigate municipal affairs, or authorize and provide for such inquiries;
   (E)   Appoint or elect and remove its own subordinates, members of commissions and boards, and other quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial officers as provided by law, or prescribe the method of appointing or electing and removing them;
   (F)   Create, change, and abolish offices, departments, and agencies other than those established by law, and assign additional functions and duties to offices, departments, and agencies established by this code; and
   (G)   Grant pardons for violations of municipal ordinances, including the remission of fines and costs, upon the recommendation of the Municipal Judge.
(Prior Code, § 2-204) (Ord. 99-07, passed 4-5-1999)
Statutory reference:
   Powers vested in Council, see 11 O.S. § 10-106