(A) Purpose. The purpose of the R-B Residential Business District is to provide for high density residential uses, low intensity commercial uses and the intermixing of related and complementary uses.
(B) Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses in the R-B District.
Residential uses.
(1) One-family dwellings, one- and two- family dwellings, and multiple dwellings;
(2) Golf courses, country clubs, tennis courts, swimming pools and additional public and private club recreational uses, all non-commercial;
(3) Churches, parish houses, convents, child nurseries; and
(4) Public buildings and uses of the following kind: elementary and secondary schools (public and private), parks, playgrounds, libraries, museums, community center.
Commercial uses.
(1) Antique store;
(2) Apparel and accessory store;
(3) Appliance store, sales and service;
(4) Art supply store;
(5) Art gallery;
(6) Artist studio or school;
(7) Auto parts and accessory sales;
(8) Bakery;
(9) Bank, including drive-in bank;
(10) Barber shop;
(11) Beauty shop;
(12) Blueprinting, photostatting;
(13) Book store;
(14) Business machines store;
(15) Café;
(16) Camera and photographic supply store;
(17) Candy, ice cream and confectionery store;
(18) Catalog service and mail order house;
(19) Caterer;
(20) Clinic, dental, chiropractic, veterinarian;
(21) Club or lodge;
(22) Dairy products store;
(23) Dance studio/dance hall;
(24) Delicatessen store;
(25) Department store;
(26) Diaper service;
(27) Discount store;
(28) Dressmaking, seamstress;
(29) Drugstore;
(30) Dry cleaning;
(31) Electric contractor;
(32) Exterminator;
(33) Furniture store and home furnishings;
(34) Fruit store;
(35) Garden supplies store and landscaping, need not be enclosed; provided, all unenclosed portions of the use are located on the rear one-half of the zoning lot;
(36) Gift, novelty or souvenir store;
(37) Grocery store;
(38) Gunsmith;
(39) Hardware store;
(40) Health equipment store;
(41) Health club or gym;
(42) Hotel, motel or tourist home;
(43) Interior decorator;
(44) Janitorial service;
(45) Jewelry store;
(46) Laboratory, scientific and testing;
(47) Laboratory, dental or medical;
(48) Laundromat;
(49) Linen supply;
(50) Locksmith;
(51) Luggage store;
(52) Medical appliances, sales and fitting;
(53) Mortuary;
(54) Music store, accessories and studio;
(55) Newsstand;
(56) Office of any type;
(57) Optician;
(58) Optical goods;
(59) Paint and wallpaper store;
(60) Pawn shop;
(61) Pet store;
(62) Photographic studio, picture processing or equipment;
(63) Radio and television broadcasting (excluding transmitter);
(64) Savings and loan association; state or federally chartered; including drive-in facilities;
(65) School (private);
(66) Shoe repair shop;
(67) Sign contractor;
(68) Sporting goods store;
(69) Stationery store;
(70) Tailor;
(71) Taxidermist;
(72) Telephone exchange;
(73) Theater, not including drive-in;
(74) Theatrical studio;
(75) Ticket agency;
(76) Toy store;
(77) Travel bureau or agency;
(78) Variety store; and
(79) Veterinarian, including observation kennels for household pets; provided, however, all such kennels are contained within completely enclosed structures.
(C) Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in the R-B Districts:
(1) All conditional uses as allowed in the R Districts;
(2) Structures combining residential and non-residential uses;
(3) Manufactured home parks as regulated by § 155.027 of this chapter; and
(4) Other residential and commercial uses determined by the Planning Agency to be of the same general character as the principal uses above and found not to be detrimental to the general public health and welfare.
(D) Accessory uses. All permitted accessory uses allowed in the R Districts.
(E) Special requirements.
(1) All business, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings, with the following exceptions: establishments of the “drive-in” type display of merchandise for sale to the public, and off-street parking and loading.
(2) The unenclosed parking of trucks as an accessory use, when used in conduct of a permitted business listed hereafter in this section, shall be discouraged.
(F) Minimum lot size. All commercial structures shall be located on a zoning lot having a minimum area of 7,500 square feet and a minimum street frontage of 50 feet.
(G) Front, side and rear yard requirements.
(1) Front yard: except as otherwise hereinafter provided, all uses allowed in the RB Districts (permitted or conditional) shall provide a front yard of 15 feet which shall be devoted exclusively to landscaping, except for necessary access drives;
(2) Side yard: none;
(3) Rear yard: none; and
(4) All residential structures shall conform to the front, side and rear yard requirements of the R-1, R-2 or R-3 Zones.
(H) Transitional yard requirements. In the RB District, the minimum transitional yard requirements shall not be less than those specified below.
(1) Where a side lot coincides with a side or rear lot line in an adjacent residence district, a yard shall be provided along the side lot line. The yard shall be equal in dimension to the minimum side yard which would be required under this chapter for a residential use on the adjacent residential lot.
(2) Where a rear lot line coincides with a side lot line in an adjacent residence district, a yard shall be provided along the rear lot line. The yard shall be equal in dimension to the minimum side yard which would be required under this chapter for a residential use on the adjacent residential lot.
(3) Where a rear lot line coincides with a rear lot line in an adjacent residence district, a yard shall be provided along the rear lot line. The yard shall be not less than that which would be required for a residential use on the adjacent residential lot.
(4) Where the extension of a front or side lot line coincides with a front lot line of an adjacent lot located in a residential district, a yard equal in depth to the minimum yard required by this chapter on the adjacent residential lot shall be provided along the front or side lot lines.
(I) Maximum ground coverage. The sum total of the ground area covered by all structures (permitted or conditional uses) shall not exceed 75% of the zoning lot on which the structures are located.
(J) Signs.
(1) General sign provisions. Business signs and advertising devices shall be allowed in this district. No signing of a permitted use shall project higher than 20 feet above the building height, nor more than a total of 35 feet above the sidewalk level. All flashing, revolving and intermittently lighted signs are expressly prohibited.
(2) Sign area and number. The gross area in square feet of all signs shall not exceed six times the lineal feet of frontage of the zoning lot; however, the gross surface area of all illuminated signs shall not exceed three times the lineal feet of frontage of the zoning lot. A maximum of 150 square feet shall be permitted for free standing signs.
(3) Sign projection. No signs projecting more than 18 inches from a building into the public right-of-way shall be permitted in this district. Projecting signs may be allowed only after Planning Commission review and if the following conditions are met: adequate anchorage, underside clearance of at least 14 feet, location, size and display so designed as not to conceal neighboring displays. Underside clearance of less than 14 feet is allowed; provided, they are enclosed at the base by landscaping and protected to avoid the underneath passage of persons or autos.
(4) Parking signs. Parking signs may be wall, ground or projecting signs; provided that, the signs may not project more than four feet from any building wall and no more than four feet into any right-of-way.
(5) Marquees and canopies. Marquees and canopies may project to within not more than two feet of the curb of the street; provided, the base of any such marquee or canopy is at least eight feet above the grade of the sidewalk.
(K) Off-street parking. There shall be provided by the developer/owner off-street parking spaces as described on a parking plan submitted in accordance with the parking requirements and approved by the city for all uses as hereinafter specified.
(L) Exterior storage.
(1) In R-B Districts, all materials, machinery and equipment shall be stored within a building or fully screened so as not to be visible form adjoining or adjacent lands, except for the following: laundry drying and construction materials; machinery and equipment currently being used on the premises.
(2) No materials or equipment may be stored outside, except those directly related to the principal use or those being used for construction on the premises. At gasoline service stations, all vehicles for service and parking areas shall be screened from neighboring lands.
(3) In business districts, displays of merchandise extended more than five feet into the setback area or more than five feet in front of the existing building if such building abuts against or extends into the required setback area shall be construed to be an encroachment on the setback requirements. It is unlawful for the owner or occupant to permit such encroachments, except that merchandise may be displayed on service station pump islands. Displays of merchandise shall not reduce the off-street parking area required by this chapter.
(M) Refuse. In all areas, all waste material, debris, refuse or garbage shall be kept in an enclosed building or properly contained in a closed container designed for such purpose. The owner of vacant land shall be responsible for keeping the land free of refuse and weeds.
(N) Screening and landscaping.
(1) All open off-street parking areas containing more than six parking spaces shall be effectively screened on each side adjoining or fronting on any property situated in a residential district by a wall, fence or densely-planted compact hedge or trees not less than five feet nor more than eight feet in height. However, the Planning Commission may waive this requirement if the closest point of such parking area is at least 75 feet from the nearest residential property line, or if all the abutting residential property owners agree to waive the screening requirement.
(2) In all R-B Districts, any off-street parking areas of more than six parking spaces shall require a conditional use permit. In order for the developer or landowner to apply, they must supply plans for the landscaping and screening of the parking area. Plans for the landscaping and screening shall be submitted for approval to the Planning Commission before a conditional use permit shall be issued. Information required, but not limited to, is as follows:
(a) Legal description of property (parking area and other uses on all related lots);
(b) A drawing or map (to scale) illustrating the plan with north point arrow;
(c) Reasons/rationale for the parking plan;
(d) Location, type, size and the like of screening and landscaping materials (existing and proposed) drawn on plan; and
(e) Any other relevant information requested by the Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission.
(O) Maintenance. All structures and required landscaping or screening shall be maintained so as not to be unsightly to the adjoining areas and shall be kept clean, trimmed, free of debris, in good repair and in overall decent condition.
(P) Glare. Any lighting shall be arranged so as not to shine directly on any residential zone.
(Q) Traffic control. The traffic generated by any use shall be channeled and controlled in a matter that will avoid congestion on public streets, traffic hazards and excessive traffic through residential areas, particularly truck traffic. Traffic into and out of business areas shall be forward moving and backing into public streets shall be discouraged.
(R) Drainage. In the development, improvement or alteration of land, the natural direction of drainage shall not be changed unless plans for the development are submitted to the City Engineer for approval and unless the change is approved by the City Council. Runoff shall be properly channeled into a storm drain, watercourse or ponding area. All new uses and structures are prohibited unless provision is made for curb and gutter along the public streets adjacent to the land to be used, except when specifically waived by the Planning Commission. All plans and provisions for complying with this paragraph shall be submitted to the City Clerk-Administrator for approval.
(S) Electrical emissions. There shall be no electrical disturbances (except from domestic household appliances) adversely affecting the operation at any point of any equipment other than that of the creator of such disturbance.
(Prior Code, § 155.30) (Ord. 560, passed 6-6-1978; Ord. 602, passed 6-6-2000; Ord. 613, passed 3-6-2002)