(A)   Purpose. This district is designed and intended as a specialized district directed to serve the pedestrian in a compact central area for the city. The CBD District will provide for a high-density shopping and business environment, especially stressing the pedestrian function and interaction of people and businesses, rather than being heavily oriented toward the use of automobiles.
   (B)   Special requirements; enclosure of uses. Every use, unless expressly exempted by this chapter or allowed by a conditional use permit, shall operate in its entirety within a completely enclosed structure; the exemption of a use from the requirement of enclosure will be indicated by the phrase “need not be enclosed” appearing after any use exempted or in the case of a permitted establishment by the granting of a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions in the conditional use section.
   (C)   Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses:
      (1)   Antique store;
      (2)   Apparel and accessory store;
      (3)   Appliance store, sales and service;
      (4)   Art supply store;
      (5)   Art gallery;
      (6)   Artist studio or school;
      (7)   Bakery retail;
      (8)   Bank, including drive-in bank;
      (9)   Barbershop;
      (10)   Beauty shop;
      (11)   Blueprinting and photostatting;
      (12)   Book store;
      (13)   Business machines store;
      (14)   Camera and photographic supply store;
      (15)   Candy, ice cream and confectionery store;
      (16)   Caterer;
      (17)   Clinic, dental, chiropractic and veterinarian;
      (18)   Dance studio;
      (19)   Delicatessen store;
      (20)   Department store;
      (21)   Dressmaking, seamstress;
      (22)   Drugstore;
      (23)   Floral sales;
      (24)   Furniture store and home furnishings;
      (25)   Garden supplies store; need not be enclosed; provided, all unenclosed portions of the use are located on the rear one-half of the zoning lot;
      (26)   Gift, novelty or souvenir store;
      (27)   Grocery store;
      (28)   Hardware store;
      (29)   Health equipment store;
      (30)   Interior decorator;
      (31)   Jewelry store;
      (32)   Laboratory, dental or medical;
      (33)   Locksmith;
      (34)   Luggage store;
      (35)   Music store, accessories and studio;
      (36)   Newsstand;
      (37)   Office of any type;
      (38)   Optician;
      (39)   Optical goods;
      (40)   Paint and wallpaper store;
      (41)   Photographic studio or picture processing;
      (42)   Radio and television broadcasting (excluding transmitter);
      (43)   Savings and loan association; state or federally chartered; including drive-in facilities;
      (44)    School, (private);
      (45)   Shoe repair shop;
      (46)   Sporting goods store;
      (47)   Stationery store;
      (48)   Tailor;
      (49)   Telephone exchange;
      (50)   Theater, not including drive-in theater;
      (51)   Theatrical studio;
      (52)   Ticket agency;
      (53)   Toy store;
      (54)   Travel bureau or agency;
      (55)   Variety store;
      (56)   Café;
      (57)   Catalog service and mail order house;
      (58)   Rental store, not including outdoor storage;
      (59)   Bars and taverns;
      (60)   Bicycle sales and repair;
      (61)   Carpet, rugs and floor coverage sales;
      (62)   Commercial recreation, such as bowling alleys, billiard halls and the like;
      (63)   Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up stations including pressing;
      (64)   Appliance store, including incidental repair and assembly, but not fabrication or manufacturing;
      (65)   Fraternal organizations and civic clubs;
      (66)   Printing shops and newspaper offices; and
      (67)   Plumbing and heating shops with no outdoor storage.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be permitted:
      (1)   Apartments;
      (2)   Parking of vehicles; need not be enclosed;
      (3)   Planned unit developments;
      (4)   Public or quasi-public development;
      (5)   Restaurants, cocktail lounges and other eating or drinking establishments which require additional parking spaces;
      (6)   Other residential and commercial uses determined by the Planning Agency to be of the same general character as the principal uses above and found not to be detrimental to the general public health and welfare; and
      (7)   Service stations.
   (E)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses incidental to and on the same zoning lot as the principal use are allowed.
   (F)   Minimum lot size. All structures shall be located on a zoning lot having a minimum area of 6,000 square feet and a minimum street frontage of 50 feet.
   (G)   Front, side and rear yard requirements. All structures shall be set back not less than ten feet from any railroad right-of way. No other yards required. The space resulting from the foregoing setbacks (yard requirements) shall be utilized only for access to the permitted use or for landscaping purposes.
   (H)   Maximum ground coverage. No maximum ground coverage requirements.
   (I)   Maximum building heights. Building heights of two and one-half stories or 35 feet shall be permitted.
(Prior Code, § 155.28) (Ord. 560, passed 6-6-1978; Ord. 618, passed 5-6-2003; Ord. 630, passed 12-7-2004)