§ 30.047 VOTING.
   (A)   Every member present when a question is put shall vote upon roll call either "yea" or "nay", unless the City Council shall, for reason, excuse the member from voting. Application to be excused from voting must be made before the votes are called for. The member having briefly stated the reason for his request, the decision thereon shall be made by the President of Council without debate.
   (B)   On the passage of every ordinance or resolution and on the appointment of any officer, the vote shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered in full upon the record. Every member shall be required to vote, unless excused for cause by vote of the Council. The vote shall be for or against a pending ordinance or resolution and not on the report of the committee thereon.
   (C)   In case of a tie in votes of Council on any proposal, the President's vote shall decide the question.
(1982 Code, § 30.32) (Res. 61-13, passed 3-6-1961; Res. 72-1, passed 1-3-1972; Res. 21-27, passed 8-9-2021)