The order of business at City Council meetings shall be as follows:
   (A)   Call to order;
   (B)   Roll call;
   (C)   Reading of minutes of the previous meeting and approval or correction of minutes;
   (D)   Monthly report titles;
   (E)   Public requests;
   (F)   Written communications received;
   (G)   Citizen's comments;
   (H)   Communications from the Mayor;
   (I)   Communication from the Safety and Service Director/Planning Commission;
   (J)   Report of standing committees;
   (K)   Reports of special committees;
   (L)   Unfinished business;
   (M)   Passage of ordinances and resolutions;
   (N)   Second reading of ordinances and resolutions;
   (O)   First reading of ordinances and resolutions;
   (P)   New business; and
   (Q)   Adjournment.
(1982 Code, § 30.28) (Res. 61-13, passed 3-6-1961; Res. 72-1, passed 1-3-1972; Res. 21-27, passed 8-9-2021)