(A)   The Safety and Service Director is authorized and directed to manage, operate, conduct, and control the sanitary sewerage system and sewage treatment works of the city in a safe, economical, and efficient manner, and in accordance with the laws of the state and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Health.
   (B)   The Safety and Service Director is authorized and directed to make by-laws and regulations as may be necessary for the safe, economical, and efficient management and protection of the sewerage system and sewage treatment works, and for the construction and use of house sewers and connections to the sewerage system. The by-laws and regulations shall have the same force and effect as ordinances when not repugnant thereto or to the constitution or laws of the state or the rules and regulations of the State Department of Health.
   (C)   The Safety and Service Director is authorized and directed to adopt and enforce specifications and regulations in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for the purpose of providing control of the installation of sewer connections and inspection thereof. The Director shall maintain accurate and complete records of all permits issued for and inspections made of the construction of house sewers and connections to the public sewers. He or she shall also require the abandonment and removal of connections to the public sewers which violate the provisions of this chapter. All measurements, tests, and analyses of the wastewater shall be made in conformance with the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published by the American Public Health Association, and the October 16, 1975, Federal Register (40 C.F.R. Part 136) entitled Guidelines for Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants.
   (D)   The Safety and Service Director has the right to limit connections now or in the future if capacity is not available in the treatment facilities and it is suspected that the introduction of additional wastes into the system will cause the system to be unable to maintain compliance with the NPDES permit.
(1982 Code, § 50.45) (Ord. 1941-5, passed 2-17-1941; Ord. 1941-17, passed 6-2-1941; Ord. 1941-18, passed 6-2-1941; Ord. 1989-12, passed 6-5-1989; Ord. 2013-2, passed 2-11-2013)