(A)   The sewer service charge and surcharge shall be reviewed annually by the city in order to determine whether or not they are sufficient to defray the fixed charges, amortization costs, and annual cost of operation of the sewerage system as determined from the wastewater treatment plant records. If the difference between the total annual revenue derived and the total annual cost is sufficient to justify an increase or decrease in the sewer service charge or surcharge, the city will adjust the rates as required.
   (B)   The Safety and Service Director may require that an inspection manhole be installed at a point of easy access prior to the industrial sewage being introduced to the public sewer for the purpose of inspection and monitoring of the industrial waste discharge. Said manhole and appurtenances shall be installed at the industry’s cost.
(1982 Code, § 50.33) (Ord. 1974-26, passed 10-10-1974; Ord. 1989-12, passed 6-5-1989; Ord. 2013-2, passed 2-11-2013)