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§ 15-212 BILLING.
   (a)   Whenever practical, all water meters shall be read promptly on or before the twenty-fifth day of each month and records of such readings shall be kept. Collections shall be made monthly. Statements will be sent to patrons showing the water fee due for the preceding month, and the consumer will be required to pay the bill in full, to the City Treasurer, on or before the tenth day of the following month. If the account is not paid on or before this date, a late payment charge of $10 shall be added to the unpaid bill. If the account is not paid on or before the fifteenth day of the following month, the service shall be discontinued pursuant to §§ 15-213 and 15-214, and shall remain so until the account is paid in full and a charge of $15 shall be made for reconnecting such service.
   (b)   When it is not possible or practical to read water meters because of inclement weather or other circumstances, the billing for that month shall be based on the water bill mailed to the consumer the previous November.
(1987 Code, § 15-114) (Ord. 710, passed - - ; Ord. 786, passed 9-16-1991)