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   (a)   Before any license shall be issued to any plumber or plumbing contractor required by this article to obtain a license and pay a fee to the city, the plumber or plumbing contractor shall secure and file with the City Clerk a good and sufficient corporate surety bond in the principal sum as set by the City Council conditioned that the principal named therein shall faithfully and fully observe all laws of the city relating to the business or occupation for which a license is desired and further conditioned to hold and save the city harmless and free of claims for loss or damage to persons or property, or from damage, injury or destruction of property belonging to the city, resulting from, or arising out of, the negligence or failure of the principal or any of his, her or its employees, agents or servants to use due care or diligence respecting any opening or excavation made in, or adjacent to any street, alley or public ground in the city, or any materials stored, placed or used in any such places, or the operation or use of any vehicle, machinery or equipment in the streets, alleys or public grounds in connection with the business or occupation licensed. Each such bond shall be issued by a company authorized to do business in the state and shall be executed by an agent of the company residing in the county and further conditioned that in the event of cancellation or expiration that the company or agent will give ten days’ notice of such fact to the City Clerk. Each such bond shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney and approved as to surety by the City Treasurer and the approval thereof shall be endorsed on the bond by the City Attorney and by the Mayor over their signatures.
   (b)   Each bond shall be dated to run from the first day of any license issued by the city to the principal and may cover the period of not to exceed two years. No bond shall be renewed by an extension certificate but a new bond shall be filed by the principal for each successive period following the renewal thereof. The city reserves the right to furnish the form of all surety bonds as may be required by this article.