(a)    The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to disburse to the Chief of Police the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) and the Chief is directed to maintain an Informants Fee and Evidence Fund.
   (b)    The Chief is authorized to disburse funds from the Informants Fee and Evidence Fund for information or evidence which shall materially assist police investigations. After such disbursement, the Chief shall prepare a statement of the date of the disbursement, the amount of the disbursement and the nature of the information and case being investigated. Such statement shall be signed by the Chief and countersigned by the Mayor. Upon presentation of this statement to the Director, a disbursement shall be made to replenish the Informants Fee and Evidence Fund from the General Fund.
   (c)    As a result of the actions to be taken in accordance with this section, the Chief shall be charged with the possession of two hundred dollars ($200.00) adjusted by the amount of any unreimbursed disbursement.
(Ord. 44-1977. Passed 7-26-77.)