1342.03 LICENSING.
(a) Every person desiring to operate a family home or a group home shall apply for licensure of the facility to the Director of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities of the State of Ohio.
(b) Every person who wishes or desires to operate a adult group home shall apply to the Building Commissioner for a permit on such form prescribed by the Building Commissioner. The permit shall be renewed annually and a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be paid for each permit or renewal thereof.
(c) The Building Commissioner, upon being satisfied that all requirement are complied with, shall issue a permit in such form and manner as prescribed from time to time by the Building Commissioner, including at least the name of the property owner, the name of the provider/operator and the name of the agent-in-charge.
(d) Each individual, group or agency operating a family home or group home, approved as provided in this chapter, shall inform the Building Commissioner of the renewal, expiration, termination, or revocation of any license, approval or certification issued by any county, state, or federal agency and shall inform the Building Commissioner of any change in the identity of the individual, group or agency operating such a family home or group home, as provided for in Ohio R.C. 5123: 2-3-07.
(e) Each bedroom in an adult group home shall provide for not more than two persons per bedroom. (Ord. 18-2023. Passed 12-12-23.)