When used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) Food Establishment shall mean a business operation that stores, prepares, packages, serves, vends or otherwise provides food for human consumption.
(b) Mobile Food Unit shall mean a Food Establishment that is located upon a vehicle including motorcycles and bicycles, or which is pulled by a vehicle, where food or beverage is cooked, prepared or served for individual portion service. This definition includes but is not limited to: mobile food kitchens, pushcart vendors, bicycle cart vendors, mobile food trucks, canteen trucks, and coffee trucks. This definition does not apply to "meals on wheels" program vehicles or food home delivery services.
(c) Special Event for the purpose of this chapter, shall mean any outdoor activity or series of outdoor activities open to the public specific to an identifiable time and place most often produced in conjunction with community organizations, held on public property including street rights-of-way.
(d) Annual Vendor Permit: Vendors that anticipate regularly operating mobile food units within Highland Heights during the calendar year may obtain an inspection permit sticker after following all required inspection requirements to be pre-approved for the year.
(e) Special Event Permit: Approval for a Special Event Permit is provided through the Recreation Department and vendors are subject to the requirements of the "Food Application Contract" after obtaining required Annual Vendor Permit Fire Department inspection approval.
(Ord. 14-2021. Passed 4-27-21.)