Regardless of whether an appropriate permit has been obtained from the Chief of the Division of Oil and Gas of the State Department of Natural Resources, pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 1509 and/or Building Commissioner pursuant to this chapter, no person, firm or corporation shall:
(a) Drill a new gas or oil well in any zoning district other than a P-C-M District; or
(b) Drill a new gas or oil well within the confines of any cemetery; or
(c) Drill with other than "a quiet drilling rig" utilizing a double muffler system; or
(d) Drill a gas or oil well within 500 feet of a residential property line, church, school, day care center, public park or playground, auditorium, public library, shopping center, or any other public building used as a place for public assembly.
(e) Drill a gas or oil well within 100 feet of a lake, river, stream or other large body of water.
(f) Drill a gas or oil well unless a "blow-out preventer" is utilized on the drilling rig.
(g) Drill a gas or oil well on an area of less than 40 contiguous acres per well.
(Ord. 16-2000. Passed 9-26-00.)