1501.241 Above ground storage tanks for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids are hereby prohibited. (Exception: Approved tank installations used for storage of fuel for the purpose of heating, not to exceed three hundred gallons, may be permitted.) (Exception: Temporary installation of combustible liquids on construction sites may be permitted, not to exceed 180 days and 500 gallons. The permit fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per tank per period.)
   1501.242 Liquefied Petroleum Gas/Propane Tanks; Permit Required.
   No person, firm or corporation shall store and/or handle liquefied petroleum gas or propane gas cylinders for sale or exchange without obtaining a valid permit from the Fire Department.
   1501.243 Liquefied Petroleum Gas/Propane Tank Storage.
   (a)   No person, firm or corporation shall permit or allow liquefied petroleum gas/propane tanks or cylinders larger than two and one-half pounds, prefilled with liquefied petroleum gas or propane gas, to be sold or exchanged, or offered for sale or exchange, from storage or display dispensers for retail sale or exchange.
   (b)   The total aggregate quantity in storage and/or on display of liquefied petroleum gas/propane tanks or cylinders for retail sale or exchange shall not exceed two hundred pounds.
   1501.244 Fixed Liquefied Petroleum Gas/Propane Storage.
   Above ground fixed storage of liquefied petroleum gas/propane is prohibited. (Exception: Approved tank installations used for storage of liquefied petroleum gas for the purpose of heating, not to exceed five hundred gallons, may be permitted. Any permitted tank installation of which the total aggregate volume exceeds 123.00 gallons will require a yearly renewable installation permit. The permit cost shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per year per installation site.) (Exception: Temporary installation of liquefied petroleum gas for the purpose of heating on construction sites may be permitted, not to exceed 180 days and 500 gallons. The permit fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per tank, per period.)
(Ord. 30-1996. Passed 9-10-96.)