(a)   No person shall fail to comply with the order of the Chief of Police under this chapter.
   (b)   Any person who has been served notice of an order of the Chief of Police may appeal the order to the Mayor. A notice of appeal, signed by the applicant, shall be filed with the Chief of Police. It shall set forth the reasons for the appeal in writing. It shall be filed within ten days after receipt of the notice from the Chief of Police.
   (c)   Filing of a notice of appeal shall stay the order of the Chief of Police until a review of the appeal has been completed, unless the public health, safety or welfare requires immediate abatement of a public nuisance. If a request for an appeal is not filed within the ten day period, the action of the Chief of Police is final.
   (d)   The Mayor or the Mayor’s designee shall conduct a hearing within thirty days. At the hearing, the appellant may be heard in his or her defense in person or by counsel and may offer evidence on his or her behalf. The person conducting the hearing shall report findings and a recommendation to the Mayor.
   (e)   The Mayor shall review such findings and the recommendation, and after full deliberation, shall issue a final order accepting, modifying or rejecting the decision of the Chief of Police. Any connection to the alarm console in the Police Department shall be removed or rendered inoperative upon cancellation of a permit.
(Ord. 13-2002. Passed 3-26-02.)