(a)    Every occupant of a business unit shall dispose of all his rubbish in a clean and sanitary manner by placing it in approved receptacles, or in other approved rubbish disposal facilities.
   (b)    Every occupant of a business unit shall dispose of all his garbage and other organic waste, which might provide food for insects and rodents, in a clean and sanitary manner by placing it in approved nonleakable, nonabsorbent, covered garbage storage receptacles or in other approved garbage disposal facilities.
   (c)    Every occupant of a business unit shall make necessary arrangements for the pickup and removal of rubbish and garbage so as not to overload the containers or receptacles.
(Ord. 21-1980. Passed 5-13-80.)
   (d)   Screening.
      (1)   Trash containers and recycling containers shall be placed in an area that is not visible from a City right of way.
      (2)   If a suitable location for the trash or recycling container is unable to be found, then the Building Commissioner shall determine and approve the type of screening that shall be used.
(Ord. 5-2011. Passed 4-12-11.)