Except as herein otherwise provided, before proceeding with the construction of any residential dwelling in a subdivision within the Municipality, the sum of four hundred dollars ($400.00) for each street tree designated to be planted on such lot pursuant to the recommendation of the City Landscape Architect as noted on the subdivision plat shall be paid to the City by the owner or agent for each such lot or parcel. All such funds shall be used by the City for providing and planting of street trees for each lot in the subdivision. The planting of such trees shall be performed at the time determined by the City Arborist and in accordance with the Street Tree Plan of the Municipality. However, whenever any lot or parcel on which a residential dwelling is to be constructed abuts a street with roadside ditches, or other obstruction or topographical obstacles that would prohibit the planting of a street tree, then the payment referred to herein shall not be required. Any deposits currently in the possession of the Municipality for lots or parcels meeting the criteria for exception enumerated herein shall be refunded to the resident residing on the subject parcel.
(Ord. 34-2020. Passed 12-8-20.)