The construction of buildings in (U-2, U-3, and M-5, Recreation and Residential) Districts shall conform to the following:
   (a)    The construction or conversion of any buildings for use as garden apartments or other low-rise multifamily buildings, where dwelling units are constructed one above the other, shall have a minimum requirement of Type 3(a) construction, as defined in the Ohio Basic Building Code.
   (b)    The construction or conversion of any buildings for use as motels and hotels shall have a minimum requirement of Type 2(a) construction, as defined in the Ohio Basic Building Code.
   (c)    The construction or conversion of any buildings for use as townhouses, row houses, multiplexes or other multifamily buildings, were dwelling units are constructed side by side, shall have a minimum requirement of Type 5(a) construction, as defined in the Ohio Basic Building Code.
Exception: When masonry fire walls are installed as described in 1306.02 Type 5(b) construction may be implemented.
   (d)   All habitable space constructed above garages shall have a two hour U.L. listed floor/ceiling assembly. (Ord. 5-1998. Passed 2-10-98.)