(a) The location and width of entrance and exit driveways to accessory parking facilities (except for one-family and two-family dwellings) shall be planned in such a manner as to interfere as little as possible with the use of adjacent streets. Such access driveways shall be not less than seventy-five feet measured along the curb line from the center line of the intersecting street.
(b) Access to the streets shall be controlled in the interest of public safety and to maintain the designed capacity of the street system. The property abutting on Wilson Mills Road shall be planned and developed so that the first access street or driveway onto Wilson Mills Road shall be not less than 600 feet from the outermost ramp terminal right-of-way intersection within the Wilson Mills Road right of way, and the successive access points shall be spaced at intervals not less than 150 feet on center. These objectives may be accomplished by marginal service roads, parallel service roads, or combining access of several developments.
(c) To further carry out the above interests and purposes on other major streets, the Commission may require that accessways shall be spaced at intervals of not less than 150 feet on center. Common accessways for two or more developments shall be provided in order to meet these requirements for developments that cannot comply otherwise. Each use or grouping of uses on a lot shall have not more than two accessways to any street unless the frontage exceeds 600 feet.
(d) The location and width of any entrance and exit accessways, on local or collector streets, shall be planned and constructed so that the center line of any accessway serving a corner lot shall be at least one hundred feet from the right-of-way line of the nearest intersecting street. Accessways serving interior lots shall be spaced at not less than 150-foot intervals measured from the center line of the accessways.
(e) Parking areas of fifteen spaces or less shall have at least one single-lane driveway and shall be designed so that vehicles can be driven forward into the street; those having sixteen or more spaces shall have two single-lane accessways, if possible, or at least one two-lane driveway.
(f) All entrances and exits shall be limited to not more than four lanes. The width of such entrances and exits, measured at the right-of-way lane, shall conform to the following schedule:
Width of Accessway | ||
Min. Ft. | Max. Ft. | |
One-lane | 11 | 14 |
Two-lane | 22 | 28 |
Three-lane | 33 | 40 |
Four-lane | 44 | 52 |
(g) The radius of the edge of the apron of any accessway shall be at least twenty feet so that a car may enter or leave the curb lane without obstructing vehicles in other traffic lanes. The minimum radius of the edge of the apron of any accessway to be used for truck traffic shall be at least thirty-five feet. The maximum curb cut shall be limited to the width of the accessway plus the radius of the apron.
(h) All uses shall provide adequate visibility to avoid traffic hazards at points of access to public streets as required by the current code. (Ord. 27-1999. Passed 10-12-99.)