Buildings and land shall be used, and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained in whole or in part only for the main or accessory uses set forth in the following schedules and regulations:
   (a)   Automobile Parking District.
      (1)   Parking areas and accessways for passenger automobiles, providing such areas:
         A.   Are accessory and adjacent to office building or business uses; and
         B.   Are not used for selling, dead storage, repairing or servicing of any kind. (Ord. 36-1974. Passed 12-10-74.)
      (2)   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Subsection (a)(2) was repealed by Ordinance 48- 1971, passed January 25, 1972.)
   (b)   Office Building District.
      (1)   Main buildings and uses:
         A.   Office buildings and offices: professional, governmental, public utility, executive, administrative; excluding sales offices with samples and merchandising services which are not incidental to the main use.
         B.   Laboratories: experimental, research and testing, all types of basic and applied research of product design and development; not including manufacturing, except the construction and operation of small scale experimental operations.
      (2)   Accessory buildings and uses:
         A.   Off-street parking and loading facilities.
         B.   Maintenance and storage facilities within wholly enclosed buildings.
         C.   Employees’ lunchrooms. (Ord. 16-1966. Passed 6-14-66.)
   (c)   Local Business District.
      (1)   Main buildings and uses:
         A.   Buildings and uses permitted in Office Building Districts.
         B.   Retail stores and services conducted wholly within enclosed buildings and devoted to supplying neighborhood needs to the following limited extent, provided there is no display of goods in front of the setback building line and further provided that no single establishment permitted in this Zoning District shall occupy a net retail sales or service floor area greater than 10,000 square feet:
            1.   The sale of all foods, foodstuffs and comestibles;
            2.   The sale, serving and consumption of soft drinks, juices and other beverages, ice cream; lunchrooms and tearooms (excluding places providing dancing or entertainment and places which make provision for or permit the consumption of food and/or beverages on the premises outside of the confines of the main use structure and further excluding those eating establishments with drive-thru window service).
            3.   The sale of drugs, gifts, flowers, periodicals, music, tobacco, sporting goods;
            4.   The sale of tools, paint, seed and garden supplies and household appliances;
            5.   Services such as beauty and barber shops, laundry agencies, shoe and hat repair;
            6.   Shops for custom work for the making of articles to be sold only at retail on the premises, dressmaking, tailoring, pressing and dry cleaning shops in which only nonexplosive and nonflammable solvents are used, provided that not more than five persons shall be engaged in such shops and no work shall be done on the premises for retail outlets elsewhere;
            7.   The sale of general merchandise (dry goods, wearing apparel, shoes, hats).
            8.   Real estate offices;
            9.   The sale of all hardware, appliances, china, furniture, floor and wall covering;
            10.   Banks and savings and loan institutions;
            11.   Customer operated service facilities, provided an attendant is on duty during business hours.
         C.   Similar main uses:
Any other retail store, shop, service or office as classified in the above, but not specifically listed therein, but which is similar thereto, as approved by the Commission.
      (2)   Accessory buildings and uses:
         A.   Off-street parking and loading facilities.
         B.   Maintenance and storage facilities within wholly enclosed buildings.
         C.   Employees’ lunchrooms.
   (d)   General Business District.
      (1)   All buildings and uses permitted in Local Business Districts provided that no single establishment permitted in the general business district, other than supermarkets, shall occupy a gross building floor area greater than 20,000 square feet and further provided that access into and leaving the site shall be on a major arterial road. Supermarkets in a general business district shall occupy a gross building floor area not greater than 50,000 square feet provided that access into and leaving the site shall be on a major arterial road. The definition of a supermarket is a retail establishment primarily selling food as well as other convenience and household goods.
      (2)   The following additional retail business stores and services conducted wholly within enclosed buildings: provided that no single establishment permitted in subsections A. B. C. and D. of the General Business District shall occupy a gross building floor area greater than 20,000 square feet, and no single establishment permitted in subsection E. shall occupy a gross building floor area greater than 10,000 square feet, and further provided that all of the following uses shall have access into and leaving the site on a major arterial road:
         A.   Amusement and recreation, provided they are conducted within a building, sufficiently sound-insulated to confine the noise to the premises and provided, in the case of a temporary building or a temporary land usage, they have received a conditional use permit.
         B.   Nursery stock, Christmas trees, garden equipment, supplies and garden furniture may be sold on an open lot, provided the operation is in connection with an established, related business conducted within a building not more than 150 feet therefrom, and provided goods are not sold, displayed or stored in a required yard, and provided that a conditional use permit is obtained.
         C.   The sale, serving and consumption of soft drinks, juices and other beverages, ice cream; lunchrooms, tearooms and restaurants, including places providing dancing or entertainment (excluding places which make provisions for or permit the consumption of food and/or beverages on the premises outside the confines of the main use structure and prohibiting all restaurants and other eating establishments with drive-thru window service.)
         D.   Variety and department stores.
         E.   Fortune telling, palm reading, card reading, horoscope consultation, and all other associated practices foretelling or purporting to foretell the future or future events.
      (3)   Accessory buildings and uses:
         A.   Off-street parking and loading facilities.
            (Ord. 34-1997. Approved by electors 11-4-97.)
   (e)   Motor Service District. Provision is hereby made for the establishment of a Motor Service District and regulations pertaining to use in such districts.
      (1)   Intent. Motor Service Districts and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
         A.   To provide convenient and ample districts for motorist services in order to serve and promote economic development of the community, and to utilize the extraordinary transportation facilities more specifically; and
         B   To provide Motor Service Districts in convenient areas directly related to the freeway interchanges to serve the needs of the through and local motorist; and
         C.    To protect and stabilize developments from traffic congestion by regulating the intensity of use, by requiring off-street parking, loading and on-site circulation facilities, and by regulating the access to streets; and
         D.    To protect nearby residential neighborhoods by restricting the types of nearby uses, particularly at their common boundaries, which would create objectionable influences; and
         E.    To promote the most desirable and beneficial use of the land in the interchange areas.
      (2)    Establishment of Regulations and Districts. In order to carry out the purposes of this section a Motor Service District and regulations are hereby established.
         The uses set forth as permitted main buildings or main land uses in the district shall be the only buildings and uses permitted therein by right. The uses set forth as permitted accessory buildings or uses shall be permitted therein by right as a subordinate building or use provided such use is planned and developed integrally therewith and clearly incident thereto and located on the same zoning lot.
         A building designed and occupied as a residence cannot be occupied in part or in whole by a nonresidential use unless the building is reconstructed to express and serve the proposed function in exterior design, site plan and floor plan of the building, and reconstructed to the extent that it will fully accommodate and express the proposed use. A lot occupied by a dwelling shall not be occupied by any other main use or any use not accessory to the dwelling.
         The continuation, change, extension, alteration, conversion, enlargement, reconstruction, relocation or maintenance of all buildings and uses shall also be subject to all lot area and yard regulations, building area, bulk, coverage and height regulations, off-street parking, loading and access regulations, performance standards, approval of development plans and all other applicable regulations of the Zoning Code.
      (3)    Main Uses Permitted. In a Motor Service District, buildings and land shall be used, and buildings shall be erected, altered, moved or maintained in whole or in part, only for the following uses:
         A.    Automotive Facilities.
            1.    Service stations, for the sale of gasoline, oil, and auto accessories, but not for the sale of intoxicating liquor and beer, as the same is inclusively defined in Section 529.01 of these Codified Ordinances; for lubrication and minor repair work on motor vehicles if performed within closed buildings. For purposes of this section, "major repairs" which are prohibited in a motor service district as applied to motor vehicles, means replacement, installation or repair of the body; spray painting; welding; recapping or retreading of tires; all repairs to vehicles used for commercial purposes in excess of two tons; and all other replacements, installations or repairs of a similar nature. All other work performed shall be considered "minor repairs".
            2.    All vehicles parked in a motor service district shall be parked not less than twenty-five feet from the front lot line and, in the case of a corner parcel, not less than twenty-five feet from the side lot line except for vehicles parked at a gasoline pump for the sole purpose of purchasing gasoline, oil or auto accessories.
         B.    Lodging Facilities.
            Motel accommodations for the traveling public.
         C.    Eating and Drinking Establishments.
            Restaurants, snack bars, taverns, drive-in refreshment stands as individual establishments, or in conjunction with other uses permitted in a Motor Service District, provided, however, that drive-thru window service is prohibited in all restaurants, eating establishments and other uses permitted herein.
      (4)    Accessory Uses Permitted. In a Motor Service District, accessory uses are permitted as follows:
         A.    Off-street parking and loading facilities subject to the requirements of the zoning regulations of the Municipality.
         B.    Any use customarily considered incidental to a main use permitted in a Motor Service District but not for the sale of intoxicating liquor and beer, as the same is inclusively defined in Section 529.01 of these Codified Ordinances, including assembly rooms and recreation facilities in conjunction with motels.
            (Ord. 21-1963. Passed 7-9-63.)
      (5)    Lot Area Regulations. Every lot occupied by a main building or use shall comply with the requirements of lot area, lot width, percentage of lot coverage by buildings, and percentage of yard space to be landscaped, as indicated in the following schedule:
         A.    Schedule of Minimum Lot Area Requirements.
Lot Area Minimum
Lot Width Minimum
Lot Coverage Maximum
Yards Landscaped Minimum
Main Use
% Total Area
% Total Area
Service Station
Automobile Garage
Service Station Garage
Bus Garage
Motel (Separate)
Motel (Combined with eating, assembly, recreation)
Restaurant (Separate)
            (Ord. 46-2001. Passed 11-27-01.)
         B.    The lot area occupied by a motel shall be not less than set forth in the above schedule, or not less than 1,000 square feet of lot area for each lodging unit, whichever is greater. Each lodging unit shall contain at least 275 square feet of floor area and shall not contain cooking facilities.
         C.    The landscaped areas shall be the minimum percentage of that part of any lot which is not covered by buildings or permitted outdoor use. Such areas shall be developed and maintained as lawns with trees and shrubs, or maintained in an orderly natural state.
      (6)    Yard Regulations. Front, side and rear yards shall be provided on every lot occupied by a main or accessory building or use in accord with the following schedule:
         A.    Schedule of Minimum Yard Dimensions.
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Lot Abuts Major St. (ft. to ctr. of R/way)
Lot Abuts Secondary St. (ft. to r-o-w)
Lot Adjoins Residential District (ft.)
Lot Does Not Adjoin Residential District (ft.)
Lot Adjoins Residential District (ft.)
Lot Does Not Adjoin Res. District (ft.)
Service Station
Parking Areas
         B.    Gasoline pumps at a service station or garage may be erected in front of the main building setback line, but not closer than twenty feet to the front lot line.
      (7)    Access to Streets. Access to the streets shall be controlled in the interest of public safety and to maintain the designed capacity of the street system similar to the objectives the Ohio Department of Highways has established through Directive D-94, November 1961, to control access along State arterial highways adjacent to freeway interchanges in unincorporated areas.
      (8)    Supplementary Site Development Regulations. If a plan is submitted for the comprehensive development of contiguous lots having a total frontage of not less than 660 feet in a Motor Service District, and incorporating a marginal service road or parallel service road combining the access of several developments, or other approved facilities with controlled access points not less than 600 feet apart, the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve such a plan with reductions in required minimum lot widths to 150 feet and side yards to ten feet (except adjacent to Residential Districts).
      (9)    Height Regulations. The height of any building permitted in a Motor Service District shall not exceed thirty-five feet.
         (Ord. 24-1990. Approved by voters 11-6-90.)
   (f)    Park-Commercial-Light Manufacturing Districts.
      (1)    Main buildings and uses:
         A.    Offices and laboratories as permitted in an Office Building District.
         B .    Production, metal: cutting, casting, stamping, electric, gas, and ultrasonic welding, grinding, machining and finishing as incidental component operations (but not as a single operation), only in the production and/or assembly of products which have a high value in relation to bulk, such as:
            Automotive and aircraft parts.
            Electrical and electronic equipment, motors.
            Electrical appliances: lamps, fixtures and clocks.
            Hardware, cutlery, kitchen utensils.
            Instruments: musical and scientific.
            Instruments and equipment: medical, orthopedic and photographic.
            Sporting goods, athletic equipment, toys.
The above listed products are intended to be exemplary but not all inclusive.
         C.    Production, nonmetal:
            Clothing and other textile products.
            Pharmaceutical products: compounding of cosmetics, drugs and toiletries.
            Plastics: extrusion, molding and fabricating of panels, sheets, tubes and rods.
            Printing, publishing and engraving.
            Wood: fabrication of furniture, cabinets and other wood products.
         D.    Distribution operations:
The storage and distribution of those products which may be produced in this district, and the storage and distribution of foods and beverages. Other products as approved by the Commission, provided the Commission finds the products to be similar and conforms with the basic characteristics of the enumerated permitted uses, and approves inclusion of the product.
         E.    Other main buildings and uses:
            Postal stations; telephone exchange; electrical distribution substation.
      (2)    Accessory buildings and uses:
         A.    Off-street parking and loading facilities, parking garages.
         B.    Maintenance and storage within wholly enclosed buildings.
            (Ord. 21-1963. Passed 7-9-63.)
      (3)    Retail sales and services are strictly prohibited. Distribution incident to manufacturing and production are permitted as well as wholesale sales.
         (Ord. 19-1972; Passed 10-24-72; Ord. 34-1974. Passed 5-13-75.)
      (4)   In any newly developed P-C-M District area, all utilities shall be installed underground. In any existing, P.C.M. District area where aerial facilities currently exist, utilities shall be permitted to be placed on the existing utility poles.
         (Ord. 4-2001. Passed 1-23-01.)