1131.02 INTENT.
   Automobile Parking, Office Building, Local Business, General Business and Park-Commercial-Light Manufacturing Districts and regulations are hereby established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
   (a)    To provide appropriate, convenient and ample districts in order to serve and promote economic development of the community; to provide transitional areas, and to utilize the specific transportation facilities, more specifically;
   (b)    To provide Automobile Parking Districts as a transitional use or buffer area (generally between business and residential districts) wherein open land developments such as parking areas and driveways would be more appropriate than building developments;
   (c)    To provide Office Building Districts so as to provide opportunities for local employment close to residential areas; to provide, adjacent to residential neighborhoods, appropriate districts for uses which do not generate large volumes of traffic, do not have large off-street parking requirements or otherwise create traffic congestion;
   (d)   To provide for sufficient, but not excessive, business districts; Local Business Districts in close proximity and catering to the ordinary shopping needs of the immediate neighborhood, and General Business Districts at wider spacing to serve needs of the entire community;
   (e)   To provide, in appropriate districts near the freeway system, sufficient areas for commercial activities, services and limited types of manufacturing, in order to promote employment, and thereby strengthen the economic base of the community;
   (f)   To protect and stabilize developments from traffic congestion by regulating the intensity of use, by requiring off-street parking, loading and on-site circulation facilities, and by regulating the access to streets;
   (g)   To protect nearby residential neighborhoods by restricting the types of nearby uses, particularly at their common boundaries, which would create the most desirable uses of land in accordance with a well-considered plan, and to stabilize and enhance property values; and
   (h)   To promote the implementation of the City Master Plan by encouraging commercial development that will be consistent with that plan’s goals and objectives. Such commercial development shall be built only in appropriate locations and only at an appropriate scale that will not be detrimental to existing residential neighborhoods and that will not overwhelm the City’s existing roads, storm sewers and other related infrastructure. (Ord. 34-1997. Passed 9-2-97.)