An application for approval of a development plan shall be filed with the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Each application shall be signed attesting to the truth and exactness of all information supplied on the application for an R & R development plan. At a minimum, the application shall contain the following information:
(a) Legal Descriptions of Sites. A survey and legal description of proposed project sites, showing the dimensions and bearing of the property lines, area in acres, topography in two-foot gradients, existing features of the development site including major wooded areas, structures, streets, easements, utility lines and land uses. All acreages shown on the development plan shall be certified by a registered engineer or surveyor.
(b) Utilities. Preliminary engineering utilities plan showing as necessary, water, storm and sanitary sewers, drainage, electricity, telephone and natural gas installations, and street improvements for the roadways shown on the development plan.
(c) Land Use Plans. Land use plans showing residential areas, various functional use areas, and interior traffic circulation.
(d) Legal Documents. Preliminary drafts of restrictive covenants, and other legal statements or devices to be used to control the use, development, and maintenance of the land and the improvements thereon including those areas which are to be commonly owned and maintained in accordance with the development plan. Such documents shall include the proposed bylaws of the Homeowners' Association and any other documents which will govern the assessment of common expenses among the owners of dwelling units within the R & R District.
(e) Vehicular Traffic Analysis. An analysis of the estimated traffic volumes expected to be generated by the R & R development and an assignment of the estimated volumes at the various entrances to the development area.
(f) Prior to commencement of construction the allotter shall obtain the following as appropriate, for the construction project then being undertaken:
(l) A letter from the City of Cleveland Water Department indicating sufficient water pressure to serve the proposed construction project;
(2) A letter from the Cuyahoga County Sanitary Engineering Division that there is sufficient capacity to convey and/or treat sanitary sewage;
(3) A letter from the agency treating sewage that the wastewater treatment plant has sufficient capacity to treat the sewage from the proposed construction project area; and
(4) Written approval of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other interested authorities. (Ord. 27-1988. Approved by voters 11-8-88.)