Landscape features, such as fences, walls, hedges, trees, shrubs, pools and driveways may be permitted in a required front, side or rear yard as follows:
(a) Front Yards. In front of building line, walls or hedges shall be not more than four feet above ground, provided at least twenty-five percent of the vertical surface of any front yard or wall shall be open to light and air, and that any wall shall be of uniform design, painted or otherwise well maintained.
(b) Front Yard, Corner Lot. Landscape features shall not be located within a triangle formed by lines drawn between points on such front lot line and side lot line of a corner lot thirty-five feet from their intersection, and thereby obstruct the normal sight lines (those lines within which no landscape feature may be placed within a vertical height band of two and one-half feet to six feet curb level).
(c) Side and Rear Yards. Solid walls or fences must conform to the requirements contained in Section 1123.17.
(d) Other Features. Floodlights, searchlights, loud speakers or similar features shall not be erected or used in a residential district so as to cause a nuisance to the adjoining lots. Such nuisances shall be as determined in accordance with the following:
(1) Noise. The sound pressure level of any operation on a lot shall not exceed the average intensity of the street traffic noise at the nearest street, and no sound shall be objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency or shrillness.
(2) Lighting. The direct beam of any floodlight, searchlight, etc., may not project beyond a distance twice the vertical height of the source from the ground level.
(Ord. 8-2002. Passed 4-23-02.)
(e) Rain Barrels. Above ground and prefabricated storage receptacles with an automatic overflow diversion system that collects and stores water runoff.
(1) Design and Construction. Rain barrels may be placed in the rear yard only, where not visible from street and have a maximum capacity of eighty gallons.
They shall be of a solid color that blends with the exterior of the dwelling unit and contain an overflow device which shall direct water away from the foundation wall of the dwelling unit so as not to cause excessive erosion or water damage. The water from the overflow device shall be directed to the public storm sewer system.
(2) Maintenance. Rain barrels shall be covered at all times, cleaned occasionally to remove any debris, as well as drained, cleaned, and disinfected annually to avoid freezing in the winter months.
(3) Permit. Before installation of a rain barrel, the owner or owner's agent, shall make application to the Building Commissioner for a permit. The application shall specify the number of rain barrels to be installed along with their size, color, and location. The permit fee shall be twenty dollars ($20.00).
(Ord. 3-2012. Passed 3-27-12.)
(Ord. 3-2012. Passed 3-27-12.)