The following are the permitted accessory uses:
   (a)    Parking Facilities. Private and/or storage garages or open off-street parking areas are permitted and required in residential districts in accordance with the standards set forth in Chapter 1141. An occupant shall be permitted to repair his vehicle, however, the rebuilding or dismantling of a vehicle in an open yard is prohibited .
   (b)    Home Offices. Offices may be permitted in residential districts in the homes of members practicing any of the recognized professions, specifically an accountant, architect, artist, engineer, lawyer, musician, physician, manufacturer's representative, sculptor, author, realtor, composer, clergyman, teacher, and tutor, provided:
      (1)    Only members of the family work therein;
      (2)    They do not change the residential character of the dwelling exterior;
      (3)    They do not utilize equipment which will create any objectionable disturbances beyond the premises; and
      (4)    They do not attract any greater number of vehicles to such premises than can be parked in the driveway as provided in Chapter 1141.
   (c)    Home Occupations. A gainful home occupation may be conducted in a residential district, such as dressmaking, arts and crafts, and home decorating, but excluding uses listed in business districts, provided only members of the family may be employed therein and provided:
      (1)    They are conducted wholly within the dwelling;
      (2)    No merchandise is sold except that which is produced or grown on the premises;
      (3)    No mechanical equipment is used which will create objectionable disturbances beyond the premises;
      (4)    The space used for sale and production does not occupy more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the floor area, no part of which shall be in an accessory building, or change the residential character of the dwelling exterior;
      (5)    They do not attract any greater number of vehicles to such premises than can be parked in the existing driveway, as provided in Chapter 1141; and
      (6)    They do not have an adverse environmental impact.
   (d)    Renting of Rooms. The renting from a resident family of not more than two rooms to not more than two persons is permitted in residential districts, provided that the exterior character of the dwelling is not changed.
   (e)    Recreational Facilities. Tool sheds and recreational facilities, such as swimming pools, patios, picnic grills, playhouses, children's playground equipment and swimming pool cabanas may be permitted in the rear yards of residential districts. Insofar as possible, all accessory uses shall be combined into one structure. Architectural style, materials and colors of accessory building shall conform to that of the main use structure.
   Total area of any enclosed, aboveground structure, not including swimming pools or buildings directly related to the use or operation of swimming pools, erected separately from the main use structure on any one zoning lot, shall not exceed: (Ord. 8-1993. Passed 4-27-93.)
      (1)    144 square feet or one percent (1%) of the lot area on a single family residentially zoned lot of 20,000 square feet or less, whichever is greater. Only one such building may be erected on a lot this size.
      (2)   One percent (1%) of the lot area on a single family residentially zoned lot or more than 20,000 square feet, except that the maximum total area of all such accessory buildings shall not exceed 500 square feet. Only one such building may be erected on a lot this size.
         (Ord. 12-2018. Passed 4-24-18.)
   (f)    Detached Garages. In those cases where the main use structure does not have an attached garage, as defined in Section 1101.06, a detached garage may be constructed on the premises.
   All dimension and set-back requirements governing garages set forth in Chapter 1141 shall apply herein. Notwithstanding this section, one accessory building not to exceed twelve feet by twelve feet in area shall be permitted on a lot with a detached garage.
   (g)    Permit Required. Fences, walls and all accessory structures shall require a building permit.
   (h)    Animals. Animals of the usual household pet varieties may be permitted in residence districts in accordance with Chapter 505 of the Codified Ordinances. Other domestic animals may be maintained in a residential district in accordance with the following schedule and regulations:
Lot Up To 1 Acre
1 - 5 Acres
5 - 50 Acres
Type and Size of Animal
No Distance*
No. Distance*
No Distance*
Fowl, rabbits and other caged animals to 5 lb. live weight, each
100 ft.
100 ft.
200 ft.
Animals 5 - 100 lb. live weight, each
None Permitted
100 ft.
200 ft.
Animals over 100 lb. live weight, each
None Permitted
None Permitted
200 ft.
   * Distance shall be minimum distance between cages, pens or roaming yards, and nearest dwelling on adjacent lots. Nonstructures, such as trailers, tents, etc., shall not be used to house or confine animals, equipment, feed or straw.
   Objectionable noises or odors shall not reach beyond the premises.
(Ord. 8-1993. Passed 4-27-93.)