Various residential districts and their regulations are established in order to achieve
the following purposes:
(a) Regulation of bulk and spacing of buildings in relation to land in order to obtain proper light, air, privacy and usable open spaces on same lots, as is appropriate for each district;
(b) Protection from fire, smoke, noxious fumes, odors, dust, offensive noises, invasion of abnormal vehicular traffic and other objectionable influences;
(c) Provision for proper location of community services so as to increase the general convenience, safety and amenities;
(d) Regulation of density and distribution of population in scale with community facilities and to avoid congestion; and
(e) Promotion of the most desirable and beneficial use of the land in accordance with a well considered plan, promotion of stability and protection of the character of existing residential developments, enhancement of land value and conservation of the values of buildings. (Ord. 21-1963. Passed 7-9-63.)