Conditional use permits may only be issued for the specific uses and in the specific districts established throughout this Zoning Code or listed in this section.
   (a)    Public institutional buildings: schools, libraries, churches, kindergartens, day nurseries, parochial schools, colleges, seminaries, museums and community centers in all residential districts.
   (b)    Public parks and playgrounds.
   (c)    Public utility: easements, transmission structures and substations in all residential districts.
(Ord. 21-1963. Passed 7-9-63.)
   (d)    Homes for aged, hospitals, clinics and sanitariums (excluding the treatment and care of mental illnesses and insane), and assisted living in U-3 Residential Districts, and Park-Commercial-Light Manufacturing Districts.
      (Ord. 26-2005. Passed 8-9-05.)
   (e)    All places serving alcoholic beverages for use on premises in business and commercial manufacturing districts.
(Ord. 21-1963. Passed 7-9-63.)
   (f)    "Child-day care center, licensed and supervised by the Ohio Department of Human Services or any other successor authority" in all Park-Commercial-Light Manufacturing Districts.
      (Ord. 36-1993. Approved by electors 11-2-93.)
   (g)   Lodging and conference facilities, restaurants and fitness centers in all Park- Commercial-Light Manufacturing Districts.
      (Ord. 25-2005. Approved by voters 11-8-05.)