1101.11 LOTS.
   (a)    "Zoning lot" means a single tract of land abutting a dedicated street, occupied by a use, building or group of buildings and their accessory uses and buildings, together with such open spaces as are required by this Zoning Code.
   (b)    "Corner lot" means a lot abutting on two streets at their intersections, where the interior angle of intersection is not more than 135 degrees.
   (c)    "Interior lot" means a lot other than a corner lot.
   (d)    "Lot line" means the boundary of a given lot separating it from adjoining public or private land.
   (e)    "Front lot line" means either a lot line separating a given lot from the street upon which it abuts, in the case of an interior lot, or the lot line along the more important of the two intersecting streets of a corner lot.
   (f)    "Rear lot line" means a lot line parallel or within forty-five degrees of being parallel to the front lot line.
   (g)    "Side lot line" means a lot line which is neither a front nor rear lot line.
   (h)    "Lot depth" means the mean horizontal distance of a lot measured between the front and rear lot lines.
   (i)    "Lot width" means the horizontal distance of a lot measured along the building line at a right angle to the mean lot depth line. (Ord. 21-1963. Passed 7-9-63.)