Corridors and passageways from patient or resident-occupied rooms leading to egress stairways and thence to the outside from the first story and to areas of refuge shall be not less than seventy-two inches in width in new buildings or additions to existing buildings, and not less than thirty-six inches in existing buildings, and shall be of such greater width as is necessary for free passage of beds with patients to the outside or to an approved area of refuge.
   Corridors and passageways considered as approved means of egress shall be at least eighty-four inches in height.
   Access to all interior and outside stairways, to fire escapes and other exits considered as approved means of egress shall be unobstructed, and shall not be through a bathroom or kitchen or a room used for any other purpose that may obstruct free passage, nor shall access be veiled from open view by ornamentation, curtains or other appurtenances.
   Passageways from inside stairways to the outside shall have the same fire-resistance quality as required for the connecting stairways.
   All egress passageways shall at all times provide unobstructed and safe passage to a public street, alley or to a suitable area of refuge. (Ord. 31-1964. Passed 1-12-65.)