165.02 MEETINGS.
   (a)   Within seven (7) days of the appointment of the Strategic Plan Committee, the Clerk of Council shall notify each member appointed to the Committee that the Committee shall schedule its first meeting to be held within thirty (30) days after the appointment thereof. At the initial meeting, the Committee shall elect one of its members as Chairperson and a member as Vice Chairperson. At the initial meeting, the Committee shall, by majority vote, discuss and consider approving rules of organization and procedure. Any vacancy on the Committee shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor or Council, whomever made the original appointment to the seat declared vacant. A member so appointed to serve in the position where a vacancy was created shall serve as though originally appointed to such position. Members of the Committee shall serve without compensation unless otherwise provided by an ordinance duly adopted by Council.
   (b)   Within seven (7) days of the appointment of the Strategic Plan Committee, the Clerk of Council shall notify each member appointed to the Committee that the Committee shall schedule its first meeting to be held within thirty (30) days after the appointment thereof. At the initial meeting, the Committee shall elect one of its members as Chairperson and a member as Vice Chairperson. All meetings shall be open to the public.
(Ord. 2020-51. Passed 7-15-20.)