The Chief of Police shall be the department head of the Police Department. The Mayor, or someone appointed by the Mayor with approval of Council, shall serve as Safety Director. The Chief of Police shall serve under the Mayor/Safety Director. The Chief of Police shall have full authority to station all officers in the Police Department under the General Rules and Regulations as the Chief of Police may prescribe subject to review and approval of the Mayor/Safety Director. In case of any infraction, insubordination, malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance, or in case of any other cause for suspension or discipline under the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department as promulgated by the Chief of Police, under the Personnel Review Board Rules of the Village of Highland Hills, under the Village Policy Manual and Employment Handbook, and/or under the laws of the State of Ohio, committed by any member of the Police Department, the Chief shall have full authority to render discipline as set forth in the Village Policy Manual and Employment Handbook and Personnel Review Board Rules.
The Chief of Police shall provide any and all reports requested by the Mayor/Safety Director and Council as may be required. Reporting requirements may be waived or amended by Council at any time.
(Ord. 1997-16. Passed 5-13-98.)