1361.06 TIME OF POUR.
   (a)    Where the temperature in the surrounding area is below seventy degrees Fahrenheit, the maximum allowable time from load to pour shall be one and one-half hours.
   (b)    Where the temperature in the surrounding area is above seventy degrees Fahrenheit, the maximum allowable time from loading to pour shall be one hour.
   (c)    When concrete is placed at or below an atmospheric temperature of forty degrees Fahrenheit, or whenever the predicted temperature will fall below forty degrees Fahrenheit within the curing period, the water or aggregate, or both, shall be heated and suitable enclosures and heating devices shall be provided. The concrete shall be placed at a temperature of not less than fifty degrees Fahrenheit and not more than seventy degrees Fahrenheit, and the air surrounding the forms and deposited concrete shall be maintained within this temperature range for not less than five days.
   (d)    When the atmospheric temperature is forecast for fifty degrees Fahrenheit or less, curing compounds shall not be used, but a sealer in a mixture of fifty percent boiled linseed oil and fifty percent turpentine or mineral spirits shall be used.
(Ord. 2003-20. Passed 4-9-03.)