(a)   All secondary or appurtenant structures such as sheds, barns, garages, etc., shall either be maintained in good repair and free from health, accident and fire hazards or shall be removed from the premises.
   (b)   All roofs of every secondary or appurtenant structure exceeding fifty square feet of roof shall be equipped with gutters and downspouts connected to a public storm sewer. Where a storm sewer or other storm drainage outlet is not available, downspouts may discharge onto splash blocks or into other devices provided that no excess water flows onto adjoining property or over sidewalks. Connection of any pipe carrying roof water or yard drainage to a sanitary sewer is prohibited.
   (c)   Where foundations of secondary or appurtenant structures have deteriorated or settled to the point where wall plates or studs are rotting, they shall be replaced with foundations as required for garages under the Building Code.
   (d)   Where parts of dwellings supported on masonry piers require substantial repair or replacement due to sagging, settling or failure of supporting piers, the same shall be replaced with a foundation conforming to the Building Code of the Village.