No owner or operator of any premises shall maintain or permit to be maintained at or on the exterior areas of such premises any condition which deteriorates or defaces the appearance of the neighborhood, adversely alters the appearance, or which is a public nuisance or health hazard, including but not limited to the following:
(a) Broken or dilapidated fences, walls or other structures. All businesses abutting a residential property shall be made to install a solar screen block wall.
(b) Improperly maintained walks, including public sidewalks, or driveways, or driveway aprons, creating a hazardous condition.
(c) Out-of-use or nonuseable, dilapidated appliances, automobile or automobile parts.
(d) Rags, rugs or other materials hung on lines or in other places on such premises, which materials are not being used for general household or housekeeping purposes; broken, dilapidated, or unusable furniture, mattresses, or other household furnishing; plastic materials, paints, miscellaneous coverings and/or any other materials, including those described in this section placed at or on the premises in such a manner as to be patently unsightly, grotesque or offensive to the senses.
(e) Lawns, landscaping and driveways shall also be maintained so as not to constitute a blighting or deteriorating effect in the neighborhood. The aprons of driveways and the driveways shall be repaired and maintained with concrete or asphalt constructed in accordance with specifications prescribed by the Building Department. All sidewalks shall be repaired with concrete. The aprons of driveways shall be maintained so as to prevent loose stones or gravel from spilling, falling over, into and onto any public way, culvert or storm ditch.
(f) No motor vehicle shall be parked upon the premises except upon driveways, parking lots, in garages or on areas improved for vehicular use.
(g) No building materials or materials, earth, sand or dirt intended for use in landscaping or gardening shall be left standing open or covered upon any premises for a period of time longer than six months.
(h) All existing dirt and gravel driveways, at the point of sale or transfer of ownership or by reason of foreclosure of property, of a residential property within the Village shall be replaced with hard-surface concrete or asphalt driveway in accordance with specifications prescribed by the Building Department of the Village. Each driveway shall be a minimum of nine feet wide and extend from the curb or street line sixty-five feet or to the front of the building line of the house, whichever is less. All such driveways shall thereafter be maintained by using the same type of material as was used in the original construction. Any widening or alteration of driveways shall be constructed of the same hard-surface material as the original driveway. All driveways shall conform to the requirements set forth in Chapter 1129 of the Planning and Zoning Code.
(i) Existing hard surface paved areas may be resurfaced with concrete or asphalt, in accordance with the "Abbreviated Specifications for Asphalt Resurfacing of Driveways, Parking Areas and Loading Areas" as prepared by the Village Engineer.
(j) All existing private septic systems, at the point of sale and transfer of ownership of a residential property within the City, shall be connected to the proper public sewer, in accordance with the provisions specified or approved by the Village Engineer, within ninety days after date of official notice to do so, provided that such public sewer is accessible to the property. If no public sewer is available, the private septic system shall be inspected and approved by the Cuyahoga County District Board of Health.