As used in this Chapter, the following words, phrases and terms shall be defined as set forth below:
   (a)   "Administrator" means the administrator of the Minority Business Enterprise and the Female Business Enterprise programs of the Office of Equal Opportunity.
   (b)   "Business Enterprise Code", "Code" or "Chapter" means all the provisions of this Chapter 115 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Highland Hills.
   (c)   "Construction" means the erection, rehabilitation, alteration, conversion, extension, demolition or repair of improvements to real property, including facilities providing utility service and includes the supervision, inspection, and other on-site functions incidental to construction.
   (d)   "Contract" means a binding agreement executed on or after the effective date of the minority business enterprise code whereby the City either grants a privilege or is committed to expend or does expend its funds or other resources for or in connection with the following purposes:
      (1)   Construction of any public improvement.
      (2)   Purchase of any personal property.
      (3)   Purchase of any services.
      (4)   Lease of any personal property; or
      (5)   Concession agreements whereby the Village grants a specific permission, privilege or license in accordance with any other provision of the Codified Ordinances of the Village. Provided however, that contracts with other public entities shall not be covered by this code.
   (e)   "Contracting department" means any administrative department under charge of the Mayor or any office treated or construed as a department of Village Government for any purpose pursuant to the State Laws or ordinances of the Village.
   (f)   "Contractor" means a separate or distinguishable business entity employing five or more persons and participating or seeking to participate in the performance of a contract; the term includes minority business enterprises and female business enterprises where applicable.
   (g)   "Control" means the unencumbered ability to "direct" operations and management.
   (h)   "Director" means the director of the Office of Equal Opportunity.
   (i)   "Discriminate" means to exclude an individual or group solely on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, handicap, ancestry, or Vietnam-era, or disabled veteran status.
   (j)   "Discriminate on the basis of age" means to discriminate as determined by appropriate Federal Law, against individuals between the ages of 40 and 70.
   (k)   "Female business enterprise" or "FBE" means a business that is at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more females.
   (l)   "Handicap" means any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of an individuals major activities.
   (m)   "Joint venture" means an association of two or more persons or businesses to carry out a single business enterprise for profit for which purpose they combine their property, capital, efforts, skills, and knowledge.
   (n)   "Minority" means a United States citizen or lawful, permanent resident who is Black, Hispanic, Asian-American, American Indian or Alaskan Native.
   (o)   "Minority business enterprise" or "MBE" means a business that is at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more minority persons.
   (p)   "Village" means the Village of Highland Hills, Ohio.
      (Ord. 1990-65. Passed 1-16-91.)