TITLE FIVE - Subdivision Regulations
Chap.   1151.   General Provisions.
      Chap.   1153.   Definitions.
      Chap.   1155.   Subdivision Application and Approval.
      Chap.   1157.   Completion and Maintenance of Improvements.
      Chap.   1159.   Requirements for Improvements, Reservations and Design.
      Chap.   1161.   Land Readjustment.
      Chap.   1163.   Specifications for Documents to be Submitted.
   EDITOR’S NOTE: The Subdivision Regulations codified as Title Five of Part Eleven - Planning and Zoning Code were adopted by Ordinance 1998-13, passed June 10, 1998. Subsequent amendments to Ordinance 1998-13 will be indicated by legislative histories placed at the end of the affected sections.