A person may be licensed as an armed security guard provided that he or she:
   (a)   Is twenty-one years of age or older;
   (b)   Is a United States citizen;
   (c)   Is able to read, write and speak the English language;
   (d)   Is not addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors or drugs;
   (e)   Is of sound physique, has good eyesight and is not subject to vertigo, heart disease or any other infirmity, defect or disorder of mind or body which might reasonably render him or her unfit for the safe carrying out of the duties of armed security guard of for the use of the deadly force in such capacity, as determined by the Director of Public Safety from all reliable medical, psychological or health information supplied by the applicant or from other information concerning the applicant's physical or mental condition.
Where such facts indicate that an applicant is suffering from any such infirmity, defect or disorder of mind or body, the Mayor may require the applicant, at his or her expense, to be examined by a licensed physician, psychologist or psychiatrist and to submit such physician's, psychologist's or psychiatrist's written report of such examination to the director for use in determining the applicant's fitness.
   (f)   Has a good reputation for integrity and that he or she is not under any of the disabilities set forth in Ohio R.C. 2923.13 preventing such person from acquiring, having, carrying or using any firearm, and is not suffering from a mental defect or disorder which renders the applicant unable to perform the duties of an armed security guard;
   (g)   Passes a weapons qualification test, devised and administered by the Mayor his or her agent. Such test shall also be passed as a condition of the renewal of the license for an armed security guard. In no event shall the weapon used for testing of duty be greater than a .38 caliber handgun.
   (h)   Has satisfactorily completed a minimum of 120 hours in a training program approved by the Ohio Peace Officers Training Council pursuant to Ohio R.C. 109.78.
      (Ord. 1991-15. Passed 5-19-91.)