Each house, device or individual structure of any sort whatsoever, which has a connection to and/or which contributes liquids or other matter to the village sewer system, shall pay a charge therefore. The rates charged for sewer service by the Village shall be based upon the number of gallons used subject to the provisions of subsection (d) hereof, as follows:
   (a)   A per gallon usage charge, which is to be paid for all houses, devices or individual structures of any sort whatsoever contributing sewage to the Village sewer system, shall be as follows:
      (1)   Effective beginning with bills to be sent out in January 2022, ten dollars and one cent ($10.01) per 1,000 gallons;
      (2)   Effective beginning with bills to be sent out in January 2023, ten dollars and thirty-one cents ($10.31) per 1,000 gallons;
      (3)   Effective beginning with bills to be sent out in January 2024, ten dollars and sixty-two cents ($10.62) per 1,000 gallons;
      (4)   Users outside of the Village shall have such charges multiplied by a factor of two (2) to determine the per gallon usage charge.
   (b)   In addition to the per gallon usage charge referenced in (a)(1) and (a)(2) above, there shall be a minimum charge, per month as follows:
      (1)   Effective beginning with bills to be sent out in January 2022, for each and every house, device or individual structure of any sort whatsoever with access to the Village sewage system, a minimum charge of thirty dollars and no cents ($30.00).
      (2)   The minimum charges listed above shall apply even if the property owner is only a part-time resident and/or even if the water meter has been removed and the water service has been shut off. In addition, this minimum charge shall apply to any properties within the Village with septic systems.
      (3)   Effective beginning with bills to be sent out in January 2022, for non-residential accounts, there shall be a minimum charge which shall be based upon the diameter of the incoming water lines to the property. For a one-inch water line, the minimum charge is thirty dollars and no cents ($30.00). For water lines in excess of one inch, the minimum charge shall increase the sum of thirty dollars and no cents ($30.00) for each additional inch in diameter of the incoming water line.
   (c)   For existing users inside the Village who do not have water meters, a flat rate per month shall be charged as follows:
      (1)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2022, eighty dollars and five cents ($80.05) inside the Village;
      (2)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2023, eighty-one dollars and fifty-five cents ($81.55) inside the Village;
      (3)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2024, eighty-three dollars and ten cents ($83.10) inside the Village;
   (d)   For existing users outside the Village who do not have water meters, a flat rate per month shall be charged as follows:
      (1)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2022, one hundred thirty dollars and ten cents ($130.10) outside the Village;
      (2)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2023, one hundred thirty-three dollars and ten cents ($133.10) outside the Village;
      (3)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2024, one hundred thirty-six dollars and twenty cents ($136.20) outside the Village.
   (e)   For new users inside the Village who do not have water meters, with sign up after January 1, 2022, a flat rate per month shall be charged as follows:   
      (1)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2022, one hundred seven dollars and seventy-six cents ($107.76) inside the Village;
      (2)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2023, one hundred ten dollars and ninety cents ($110.90) inside the Village;
      (3)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2024, one hundred fourteen dollars and twenty-three cents ($114.23) inside the Village;   
   (f)   For new users outside the Village who do not have water meters, with sign up after January 1, 2022, a flat rate per month shall be charged as follows:   
      (1)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2022, one hundred eight-five dollars and fifty-two cents ($185.52) outside the Village;   
      (2)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2023, one hundred ninety-one dollars and nine cents ($191.09) outside the Village;   
      (3)   Effective beginning with bills sent out in January 2024, one hundred ninety-six dollars and eighty-two cents ($196.82) outside the Village.    
   (g)   For the purpose of this section, whenever charges are expressed in terms of gallons per month, the term shall refer to the amount of water purchased from the Village in gallons by the user per month.
   (h)   In the event the Sewer and Water Committee or Council determines that any user of the Village sewers is contributing more sewage to the Village sewers than he or she is purchasing in water from the Village because such user has a well or other private water source available to him or her, and this difference is reflected on the monthly water bills, then the Sewer and Water Committee of Council shall determine in terms of gallons per month how much sewage is being contributed by such individuals and shall advise the Clerk-Treasurer of the number of additional gallons per month in additional sewage which is being contributed by each such user, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall bill each such user therefore, who shall pay any such charges.
(Ord. 98-35. Passed 12-21-98; Ord. 2001-05. Passed 6-18-01; Ord. 2004-10. Passed 6-21-04; Ord. 2004-32. Passed 11-15-04; Ord. 2005-08, passed 7-19-05; Ord. 2005-10. Passed 10-3-05; Ord. 2007-10. Passed 8-21-07; Ord. 2007-15. Passed 10-15-07; Ord. 2010-16. Passed 1-17-11; Ord. 2015-14. Passed 11-16-15; Ord. 2016-08. Passed 6-28-16; Ord. 2017-10. Passed 4-17-17; Ord. 2021-13. Passed 10-4-21.)