(a)   Planting, Maintenance or Removal.
      (1)   No person shall plant, remove, cut above ground or otherwise disturb any tree on any street or Municipally owned property, with the exception of pruning, without first filing an application and procuring a permit therefor from the Fiscal Officer. The person receiving the permit shall abide by the specifications and standards of practice adopted by the Municipal Tree Commission.
      (2)   Before any license shall be issued, each applicant shall first file evidence of possession of liability insurance in the minimum amounts of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for bodily injury or death and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for property damage, indemnifying the Village for any person injured or property damaged as a result of the actions described in paragraph (a)(1) hereof.
      (3)   An application for a permit must be made at the office of the Village Fiscal Officer not less than forty-eight hours in advance of the time the work is to be done.
   (b)   Removal, Replanting and Replacement.
      (1)   Wherever it is necessary to remove a tree or trees from a treelawn in connection with the paving of a sidewalk or the paving or widening of the portion of a street or highway used for vehicular traffic, the Municipality shall replant such trees or replace them. However, if conditions prevent planting on treelawns, this requirement will be satisfied if an equivalent number of trees of the same type are planted at other locations within the Village limits.
      (2)   No property owner or other person shall remove a tree from a treelawn for the purpose of construction, or for any other reason, without first filing an application and procuring a permit therefor. Such replacement shall meet the standards of size, species and placement as provided for in the permit. The property owner or other person shall bear the cost of removal of trees as well as the cost of replacement of all trees removed.
(Ord. 94-22. Passed 12-19-94.)