Theft and Fraud
545.01   Definitions.
545.02   Determining property value in theft offense.
545.03   Property exceptions as felony offense.
545.035   Evidence of theft of rented property.
545.04   Detention of shoplifters and those committing motion picture piracy; protection of institutional property.
545.05   Petty theft.
545.06   Unauthorized use of a vehicle; vehicle trespass.
545.07   Illegal sale or possession of master vehicle keys. (Repealed)
545.08   Unauthorized use of property.
545.09   Passing bad checks.
545.095   Forging or selling forged identification cards.
545.097   Criminal simulation.
545.10   Misuse of credit cards.
545.105   Recording credit card, telephone or Social Security numbers.
545.11   Making or using slugs.
545.12   Tampering with coin machines.
545.13   Prima facie evidence of fraud in theft from livery or hostelry.
545.14   Tampering with records.
545.15   Securing writings by deception.
545.16   Personating an officer.
545.165   Diminishing or interfering with forfeitable property.
545.17   Defrauding creditors.
545.18   Receiving stolen property.
545.19   Insurance fraud.
545.20   Workers' compensation fraud.
545.21   Medicaid fraud.
545.22   Motion picture piracy.
545.99   Penalty.
   See sectional histories for similar State law
   Property defined - see GEN. OFF. 501.01
   Cheating - see GEN. OFF. 517.05
   Falsification - see GEN. OFF. 525.02
   Impersonating a public servant - see GEN. OFF. 525.03
   Possessing criminal tools - see GEN. OFF. 549.12