The number of positions established in these Codified Ordinances shall be subject to change without revision of any chapter. If additional personnel are needed on a permanent or temporary basis in any department, the department head will first advise Council. Council must concur that such additions are necessary before any action is taken.
   It is also the responsibility of the department heads to initiate cost saving programs that may reduce the number of employees, either by job elimination or combination of responsibilities. Council shall be consulted before the initiation of any such program to ensure that it is in the best interests of the long range Village objectives.
   If a vacancy occurs, the department head shall consult with Council or the appropriate committee concerned to re-evaluate the need for that position as it presently exists, before commencing any advertising for employment. The department head will evaluate all applicants and make recommendations to Council. All employment, either permanent or temporary, is subject to the approval of Council.
(Ord. 89-18. Passed 7-11-89.)